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It All Happens Here

A World-Class Venue for Weddings, Social or Corporate Functions

Collingswood Grand Ballroom

The Collingswood Grand Ballroom is a very unique location. With its 1920’s style décor, dramatic staircase, and polished cherry wood details – there is simply no other venue like it in Southern New Jersey!

Whether you are planning an intimate wedding for family and friends, an extravagant celebration for hundreds, or a multi-faceted corporate meeting, the Collingswood Ballroom and Theater offers an elegant, state-of-the-art facility that accommodates your every need.


Please click on the following links for more information:

Wedding Ballroom Information

Corporate and Social Information

Contact our professional Event Planners for pricing and availability:

Call:  (856) 858-1000

E-mail:  Beth at


Debbie at



Benefits to Choosing Us

You are the ONLY wedding in the Grand Ballroom the entire day! Your wedding day is special and should be treated as such, which is what The Collingswood Grand Ballroom offers their Brides and Grooms.

We offer a bridal and groom suite in our historic mansion available for use 2 hours prior to your arrival.

Centrally located minutes from Philadelphia and all major highways, this convenient location makes it ideal for those traveling short or long distances.


My husband and I had our reception at Collingswood Grand Ballroom on New Years Eve. It was the perfect night! Teresa &…

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My husband and I had our reception at Collingswood Grand Ballroom on New Years Eve. It was the perfect night! Teresa & Paula were so helpful and friendly throughout the entire planning process. Our guests loved the venue and the evening went very smoothly. We loved every moment of our special day!

Kimberly F.

Perfect Day.
Collingswood Grand Ballroom was an amazing venue!!!! Our day was perfect! Everyone worked so well to make…

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Perfect Day.
Collingswood Grand Ballroom was an amazing venue!!!! Our day was perfect! Everyone worked so well to make the day better than I could have dreamed! All of our guests raved about everything!!!


The staff at Collingswood truly went above a beyond to make sure my wedding day was perfect. I wasn't that bride who…

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The staff at Collingswood truly went above a beyond to make sure my wedding day was perfect. I wasn't that bride who had everything planned out perfectly, and it was great to work with a group who used their knowledge to help me and ask for input on things I wasn't considering. After all, I'd never been married before and had very little involvement in any other weddings while they were doing these events all the time! As it turned out, my wedding dress had a bustle which was revised without my knowledge after the final fitting. Samantha quite literally saved the day by improvising when no one knew exactly how to make it work. She came in even more clutch than any of my bridesmaids could because of her extensive knowledge and experience. The bottom line: I'm married, it was beautiful, and it would not have happened without the team at this beautiful venue.

Natalie B.

One word: AMAZING. The staff at CWB are awesome, they’re very helpful during the planning process and the day of.…

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One word: AMAZING. The staff at CWB are awesome, they’re very helpful during the planning process and the day of. There are so many helpful people that created an awesome atmosphere for our wedding. The ballroom itself is gorgeous as well. You have to visit it to see the classic beauty of the building and land surrounding it. My wedding day was perfect and the venue played a huge part in making that happen.

Madeleine H.

Contact Us Today

315 White Horse Pike
Collingswood, NJ 08107


Hours of Operation
Monday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Tuesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Thursday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM
Friday: 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM

315 White Horse Pike Collingswood, NJ 08107